

If your company, organization, institution, university would like to support AI 2025 or you want to find out more, drop an email to
maria.managing.editor@gmail.com, mastor@tu-sofia.bg to send you back the detailed sponsoring document.

When a sponsorship is agreed upon, We’ll prepare a contract for signing. Once confirmed, we’ll announce your presence at the event, provide all the info you need, and set-up calls to guide your team through all of the next steps.


If you would like to speak at the conference as a keynote speaker, please send us the following:

  • The title of your speech
  • The abstract of your speech
  • Your updated biography (25-45 lines)
  • A high-resolution photo for the web

Your proposal will be evaluated, and we will reply within 10 days.

Keynote Speakers (Confirmed)

Prof. Dr. Dimitrios A. Karras

National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA), Dept. General, Hellas (Greece)
GLA & BIHER umiv, India
EPOKA univ., Comp. Engineering Dept., Tirana

Prof. Nikos Mastorakis

Hellenic Naval Academy, Piraeus, Greece and Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria

Prof. Antonella D’Andrea

University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy

Prof. Nikolaos K. Papadakis

ΙNFILI Company and Hellenic Army Academy, Greece

Prof. Dimitrios K. Papakostas

Dept. of Information and Electronic Engineering International Hellenic University (I.H.U.) Alexander Campus, Sindos - Thessaloniki, Greece

Prof. Vasiliki E. Kalodimou

School of Medicine at the European University-Cyprus Ltd. Frankfurt Branch, Germany

Prof. Nikolaos Loukeris

Department of Business Administration, University of West Attica, Petrou Ralli & Thivon 250, Athens, Greece

Prof. Fotios Spyropoulos

Criminal Law - Faculty of Law, Philips University, Strovolos, Cyprus

Prof. Amalia J. Moutsopoulou

Department of the Mechanical Engineering, Hellenic Mediterranean University, Chania, Crete, Greece

Prof. Vassilis G. Kaburlasos

International Hellenic University (IHU), School of Engineering Department of Informatics, Computer and Telecommunications Engineering GR-62124 Terma Magnisias, Serres, Greece

Dr. Aristides Batis

Department of Mathematics of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, University of Patras, Greece

Dr. Vassilis Kourbetis

National Ministry of Education, Athens, Greece

Dr. Maria-Oraeozili Koutsoupia

AI Legal Expert, President of AI Law Institute Rythmisis, Athens - Brussels

Dr. N. John El. Koimtzoglou

Attorney in front of the Supreme Court & the Council of State Legal Advisor of the Athens University of Economics and Business Administration, Athens, Greece

Dr. Efi Karatopouzi

American Community Schools of Athens (ACS Athens), 129 Aghias Paraskevis Ave. & Kazantzaki, Street, Halandri, Athens, Greece

Dr. Spyridon Stelios

Teaching and Research Associate, National Technical University of Athens, Zografou, Athens, Greece

Dr. Iakovos-Antonios Armaos

CEO at Efrata, Marousi, Attiki, Greece

Dr. Yannis Mygdanis

National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Department of Music Studies Pierce – The American College of Greece, Greece

Dr. Christos Moridis

Head of Neuromarketing and Strategic Communication of the NetValue NetValue, Isaiah 7, Thessaloniki, Greece
Iphigenias 5, Glyfada, Athens, Greece

Dr. Christos Tsalidis

"Director of Neurolingo, 58, Agiou Konstantinou Str. GR-15 124, Marousi, Athens, Greece

Dr. Fanis Aritzis

California Metropolitan University/ European Int. University Paris Founder of Catharsies Consulting Services

Mrs. Eleni Petra

"Athena" Research and Innovation Center Computer Engineer - University of Patras, Greece

Mr. Panagiotis Tsiotakis

University of the Peloponnese, Tripoli, Greece

Mr. Angelos Kalafatas

Hellenic Naval Academy, Greece and Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria

Mr. Konstantinos Sgantzos

"National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece

Mr. Thymianos Aristotelis

"American Community Schools of Athens, Chalandri, Athens, Greece

Prof. Tutku Tuncalı Yaman

Department of Management Information Systems, Marmara University, Istanbul, Turkey


The Golden Age Hotel of Athens

57 Michalakopoulou Street, 115 28 Athens Greece



Deadline to Pay your Registration and a Book your Ticket:

January 16, 2025.


(until November 30, 2024) Attendance, 2 Coffee-Breaks, All the Presentations in PDF


(until December 31, 2024) Attendance, 2 Coffee-Breaks, All the Presentations in PDF


(after December 31, 2024) Attendance, 2 Coffee-Breaks, All the Presentations in PDF
